[電影]《娶妻求伴郎I Love You, Man》(2009)

>> 2009年12月13日 星期日

Paul RuddForgetting Sarah Marshall拍檔Jason Segel上演男性喜劇,講面面俱到的PR婚前才發現自己沒有交心摯友,為婚禮急尋Best man的故事。




難得婚禮竟然不為新人高興,而是為groom & groomsman的冰釋前嫌而感動,好奇妙喔...

Quotes (
Paul Rudd as Peter, Jason Segel as Sydney):

Peter Klaven: Did you know that the best night I've had in the last 5 years is a night that Zooey and I split a bottle of wine, we made a summer salad and watched "Chocolat" together?
Sydney Fife: You mean "Chocolate"?
Peter Klaven: Chocolat.
Sydney Fife: Chocolate with Johnny Depp.
Peter Klaven: Chocolat.
Sydney Fife: You're not fucking French Pete, it's called "Chocolate".
Peter Klaven: Chocolate's got an 'E' on at the end.
Sydney Fife: That was your favorite night?
Peter Klaven: Yes.
Sydney Fife: Your best night in 5 years is watching "Chocolate" with Johnny Depp? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Peter Klaven: With the combination of wine and summer salad and "Chocolat", yeah!
Sydney Fife: [Quietly] You should be embarrassed.


以下是Paul Rudd作品個人喜愛度小排名:(...)內為IMDb網站user ratings

(7.50) - The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
(7.40) - The Cider House Rules (1999)
(7.20) - Role Models (2008)
(6.90) - Romeo + Juliet (1996)
(7.40) - I Love You, Man (2009)
(7.50) - Knocked Up (2007)
(6.40) - Night at the Museum (2006)
(5.21) - The Ten (2007)

頭三甲都是必看!(心)除了TCHR及R+J其餘都是喜劇,TCHR是Oscar劇情片Michael Caine超讚的喇!40 yr old是我的喜劇愛片of all time!

PR在港雖然名氣不大,不過叫好叫座喜劇佳作其實不少,Forgetting Sarah MarshallYear OneThe Oh in Ohio待看中。


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