[雜談]Oscar 2010剪影
>> 2010年3月8日 星期一
Meryl Streep 競爭者同為今屆影后的Sandra Bullock說MS不用再提名,奧斯卡應直接每年設一個獎給她~哈哈...有好笑到!
Sarah Jessica Parker, Tom Ford Tom Ford好帥!(暈)時裝人來到電影界盛事,氣質就是有那麼點不一樣,挺拔優雅,我雙眼發光。*目* A Single Man也超棒。(大心)Parker裙子好美,但近看她的眼球真的好混濁,像七老八十。
Gerard Butler, Bradley Cooper 這兩人不知不覺走在同一條喜劇跑道上了。
Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin 我有因為今屆兩位司儀的搭檔默契,密密增加了It's Complicated的入場意慾。有段致敬影片閃過AB的年輕模樣,原來他不是天生胖子!(驚)(XD)
Carey Mulligan, Zoe Saldana Saldana比想像中要小隻,兩人並排顯的Mulligan好壯。CM滿胸口與背部的痣,很聚焦哎不懂為什麼?!
Sandra Bullock Red carpet時已覺得她這晚特別美,紅運當頭果然整個人氣勢不一樣。
Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart 狼仔今年有多紅,看大會take shoot的次數就有分曉,兩年前這個位子還是Zac Efron的專利。 KS總是鬱鬱不歡欠錢樣。=P
Zac Efron, Anna Kendrick 我沒有東西想說哎~?!囧 就...好好加油兩位。
Jake Gyllenhaal, Rachel McAdams Red carpet訪問過來人的Jake這趟跟首獲提名的姐姐Maggie分享了什麼,他把Maggie五年前對自己說過的話全數送回:"It's a lot of fun, and enjoy it in that spirit. If you make it too much more than that, you'll probably go astray..." 這二人是21世紀第一對同獲Oscar提名的親姊弟,歷史上則是第九對,其他人有:
Ethel Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore; Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine; Vanessa Redgrave and Lynn Redgrave; Shirley MacLaine and Warren Beatty; Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda; Julia Roberts and Eric Roberts; Meg Tilly and Jennifer Tilly; and River Phoenix and Joaquin Phoenix.
Miley Cyrus, Amanda Seyfried 剛好是今年兩部備受觸目的YA romantic movies女主角,AS年頭上的Dear John賣得好我有點驚訝,劇情明明老土得可怕;The Last Song我比較有期望,看trailer有起雞皮疙瘩,Greg Kinnear的寡佬爸爸跟Miley的first love兩條線也對我的味,最近還“剛好”有緋聞加持咧。=P
Ethel Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore; Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine; Vanessa Redgrave and Lynn Redgrave; Shirley MacLaine and Warren Beatty; Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda; Julia Roberts and Eric Roberts; Meg Tilly and Jennifer Tilly; and River Phoenix and Joaquin Phoenix.