>> 2009年7月24日 星期五
這部經費大部份來自編導自資及親友借貸的Kevin Smith自編自導(自演配角)低成本成名作,全片場景幾乎只有KS當時實際工作地:便利店及影碟店範圍,劇組需等店舖打烊後才可拍攝,所以片中安排大閘是壞的來避免日光問題。
全片黑白手提風格,精彩之處完全來自Dante與Randal對顧客、工作及自我的你一言我一語冷嘲熱諷,或是關於電影、愛情、性、生活等多場熱烈討論,字字珠機每句話都惹人發笑,無聊抵死卻又有對愛情、工作、人生一些玩味看法。 演片中兩位秀逗店員Dante與Randal的是初次演戲的Brian O'Halloran與Jeff Anderson,這趟演出成為經典後來都成為導演常註班底。其中JA是導演高中同學,導演本想親自出演Randal一角,這導致Randal擁有最好玩厲害的台詞,而JA的演繹是堪稱絕讚的爆笑!言行每每讓人措手不及無還擊之力。
配角方面Jay & Silent Bob是站在店外販毒的街頭拆家拍檔,這兩角色非常搶鏡,後來出現在Kevin Smith多部電影中,2001年更有獨立製成的Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back,作品情節也低程度上互相牽引。Jason Mewes演的Jay誇張地爛口、濫藥、好性,簡單來說是白痴無良毒青,卻極不知所謂地可愛!XDD 導演Kevin Smith出演Silent Bob,跟Jay的口沒摭欄相映成趣。Quotes:
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"?
Dante Hicks: "Empire".
Randal Graves: Blasphemy.
Dante Hicks: "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
我只看過有Ewan McGregor的前傳第一集及系列最始祖第四集...
Dante Hicks: You know what the real tragedy about all this is? I'm not even supposed to be here today!
Randal Graves: Oh, fuck you! Fuck you, pal! Jesus, there you go trying to pass the buck. I'm the source of all your misery. Who closed the store to play hockey? Who closed the store to go to a wake? Who tried to win back his ex girlfriend without even discussing how he felt with his present one? You wanna blame somebody? Blame yourself. "I'm not even supposed to be here today." [throws stuff at Dante]
Randal Graves: You sound like an asshole! Jesus, nobody twisted your arm to be here. You're here of your own volition. You like to think the weight of the world rests on your shoulder. Like this place would fall apart if Dante wasn't here. Jesus, you overcompensate for having what's basically a monkey's job. You push fucking buttons. Anybody can waltz in here and do our jobs. You-You're so obsessed with making it seem so much more epic, so much more important than it really is. Christ, you work in a convenience store, Dante! And badly, I might add! I work in a shitty video store, badly as well. You know, that guy Jay's got it right, man. He has no delusions about what he does. Us, we like to make ourselves seem so much more important than the people that come in here to buy a paper, or, god forbid, cigarettes. We look down on them as if we're so advanced. Well, if we're so fucking advanced, what are we doing working here?
而且HMV DVD才賣$30,2006年續篇可能易找一點,下篇再聊。=]
唔知你有冇睇"Dogma",係Matt Damon+Ben Affleck x Jay and Silent Bob,玩盡基督教,乃Kevin Smith 經典之作 XDD
無喔~~~MD & BA我都很沒愛呢~~>..<
Dogma我未找到海潚價入手, 但有機會一定會看的!想看較舊的Mallrats喔!!在等他海潚價...Jay & Silent Bob姊妹作如無意外想補齊!!!!XDDD